बुधवार, 24 जून 2009


Music is an art that fills the heart and soul with joy and happiness. It includes singing,dancing and playing on instruments. Singing is designated as Vocal Music while playing with instruments is known as instrumental. Music has several branches ranging from pure classical to semi classical and light music. In India two types of music systems are prevalent. They are south Indian Music also known as Carnatic Music System and north Indian music also named as Hindustani Music. Indian music system. Indian Music system In both the systems there are technical variations.

The instrument that are generally placed under instrumental Music are sitar, Veena, Tabla and Pakhavaj etc. These are played in the solo form as well as with vocal music to provide rhythm or background music.

"Music expresses that which cannot lbe sold and on which it is impossible to be silent"
--By Victor Hugo

Music is an expression that has the capacity to influence man ,it can move a group, a country and even the world

जीवन क्या है

अभी अभी मीना राजन ने बताया कि आशा नही रही । यकीं नही होता , कल तक जो मुस्कराती पतली छरहरी युवती सबसे खुशियों का इज़हार करती दिखाई देती थी , आज पाँच तत्वों में विलीन हो गई । मैंने उसे कभी दुखी या गंभीर-मुद्रा में नही देखा ।
पिछली बार जब मैंने उसे देखा था बीस साल बाद , तो एक दम परिवर्तित है